Springboard has been following the progress of Leah who has entered the Festival for the last three years. She plays flute, piccolo, bassoon and piano and has been a Springboard winner in the Woodwind & Brass section.
Leah’s mother wrote to us recently that “Springboard was always the special one for us because it was there, when Leah had not been playing flute long, that an adjudicator asked if Leah has considered taking an audition at a junior conservatoire. She was not technically brilliant then but the adjudicator must have seen something in her. Encouraged by this, Leah was motivated to start thinking about music much more seriously.
We are not from a family with a musical background so we were just happy she was playing music but we didn’t know how good she was or how to direct her in the right direction. We are pleased that someone picked up her talents back then.
Here we are, a few years on, Leah is studying at Junior Royal Academy of Music in London and seriously thinking about music as her future career. She is already performing in many care homes, hospices as a volunteer and church concerts to raise funds for Africa and is auditioning for senior conservatoires next autumn.”