Springboard not only provides a platform for performers at the Festival, but creates opportunities for further performances.
In May 2024, we held a series of Centenary Celebration Concerts as part of the regular lunchtime series at Brighton Unitarian Church. These featured some of the oustanding performers at Springboard over the years: Nelly Zheng, Peter Ostrovsky, Riya and Berniya Hamie, Kitty and Gigi Casey, Zoe Barnett and Leah Hallinon.

Other opportunities to perform have included, in the past few years:
The Brighton Youth Orchestra – Selected participants in the Concerto classes have been invited to perform with the orchestra. Esther Kim appeared with them in 2015, playing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, and Andrew Gallacher played Liszt’s Piano Concerto no. 2 with the BYO in November 2016. In 2017, Berniya Hamie performed Grieg’s piano concerto, and Hazel Nguyen played Hummel’s A major piano concerto in 2018. In 2019, Lily Petrova, Hannah Hever and Javier Morillas Arques were all given an opportunity to perform with the Brighton Youth Orchestra, side by side with players from TrinityLaban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.

The Rotary Young Musician of the Year Competition – For several years Springboard put forward performers for nomination by Brighton & Hove rotary clubs to this national competition.
The Emanuel Trophy – Springboard is invited to nominate a pianist to to compete in this prestigious competition, run by the North London Festival. In 2017 we nominated Hazel Nguyen, winner of our 2017 Senior Concerto Competition and in 2020 Berniya Hamie was nominated.