Springboard – Brighton & Hove Performing Arts Festival Ltd is a Registered Charity (no. 1078068), run by Trustees (see below), who are elected every three years at the AGM.
The Festival’s costs, which include the venue, the professional adjudicators, and a part-time administrator, are partly financed through the class entry fees, and by making an admission charge on the door for adults wishing to attend the Festival as members of the audience. (Those in full-time education can watch for free.)
Sponsorship from individuals is also vital to ensure that we cover our costs. (See our latest annual accounts here.)
The Festival is managed by a team of Trustees and a part-time Administrator. Each Section has its own Section Secretary and Committee (see below), who plan the syllabus and run the classes. The Festival also relies on the time and effort of dozens of volunteers.
“Springboard offers a warm-hearted structure through which it is possible to appreciate what can be achieved by sheer determination. Appreciation of artistic endeavour, and the making of Music and Drama, is a vital and intensely personal part of the extraordinary phenomenon that is the human being. As a race we may do some terrible things to one another, but the sensitivity and artistry encouraged by activities such a Springboard must bring hope and inspiration for the best that we may aspire to.”
Professor Gavin Henderson CBE
President – Springboard Festival
Patrons & Trustees
- Howard Blake OBE
- Eugenia Cheng
- Dame Felicity Lott
- Brenock O’Connor
- Andrew Sherwood
- Taro Takeuchi
- The Mayor of Brighton & Hove City Council
Vice President
- Jannet King – Chair
- Keith Hayward– Company Secretary
- Ali Hamie – Treasurer
- Dr James Westbrook
- Ambrose Page
- Cllr Birgit Miller
Section Committees & Administration
Festival Administrator and safeguarding officer
- Kathy Palmer
Classical Guitar
- Dr James Westbrook (Secretary)
- Vic Ellis
- Lisa Fitzgerald
- Birgit Miller (Joint Secretary)
- David Stevens (Joint Secretary)
- Simon Gray
- Rebekah Whiteley
- Ally Jackson
- Lily Lawrence
Musical Theatre
- Birgit Miller (Joint Secretary)
- David Stevens (Joint Secretary)
- Simon Gray
- Rebekah Whiteley
- Ally Jackson
- Lily Lawrence
- Nicola Grunberg (Section Secretary)
- John Bruzon
- Zhanna Kemp
- Sophia Liu
- Anthony Purkiss
- Joe Ward
- Anya Kolesnik
Speech & Drama
- Mandy Winder (Section Secretary)
- Rosie Drew
- Nicola Patching
- Sue Sheen
- Kate Stoner
- Rebekah Whiteley
- Jasmine Jeffery
- Vanessa Clarke
- Claire Marlowe
- Melody Roche
- Jannet King (Section Secretary)
- Lisa de Simone
Woodwind & Brass
- Nicole Leclercq (Section Secretary)
- Evelyn Harrison
- Anna Tabor